Thursday 29 November 2007


While men don't like to be related to things they don't feel home, re-engaging men to a different environment possibly breaks the stubbornness of their rooted habitual perception of the item and they are happy to take on a new angle in their way.

Carefully control the way in communicating luxury through design which provides the awareness of deserving and self-definition, it allows design to act as a medium to connect men to their aspiration, an opportunity to reconstruct oneself by “acquiring meanings”. e.g. I believe strongly, in some designs, by not showing the product to viewer at the first contact but provide a "feeling/meaning" to the brand/product will have a more powerful desire than showing designs at the first place.

Way of such communication NEED NOT BE confined by visual/store display nor limited by Ecommerce; it can go further as in experience with human interaction that such total experience construct a new connection between the product and the audience effortlessly, ephemerally . At this point then, will be a huge step closer to have men stop and desire such medium, despite their habitual behaviors, beliefs and mentalities are still considered quite a resistance to a change of taste.