Friday 2 November 2007


to answer my own questions of "can we bring back human experience" "what is luxury" and my answering to "“Luxury” is a self-definition, a regaining life energy, the experience of it chases other than what’s disclosed, and looks for simple, intimate, hidden pleasures. (biarritz inspiration-not everyone can have it, it's the rare experience that counts) finding and engaging in the things we lack, time, space, connections and peace.

from these, I would like to design my artifact, not only the product itself where the name card designed to project a "simple life" "area for imagination" space that help to relate them away from preconception of a necklace but on top of that,

artifact will be ABANDONING THE IDEA OF SHOPS, NEITHER PHYSICAL NOR ONLINE. It will be another experience that involves 1 on 1 face to face private viewing by appointment only. A human connection to the product to the designer with the audiences. it's physical, sensorial and direct. it's extravagant as it's costly (HAHA, that's why no one is really doing it these days) but I believe it this is the luxury one can provide to entice and build immediate connection with the product by touching, feeling, trying, that, such extra connection will make audience bonded (like injecting their own DNA into it) with the item. paying extra effort to get an appointment. it's about chasing the rare.