Saturday 13 October 2007


Skyped with the graphic guy from HK and brainstorm and discuss about few possible directions of the communication. esp focusing on name card now.

my idea is:
1. have a major name card for personl - shop - pr, etc
2. have a name card size, plastic, for distribution
major direction / execution narrowed down:
using photos, my own travel photos, that deliever idea of "time", "place", or a bit random things saw.
no product shot
no quotes/slogan ?? (TBC)
no models
not directly obvious that it's a jewelry brand, and not pretentious


--> risk: will mislead target customers / too much effort to know what this is / doesnt seems like a jewelry brand/ not luxurious / TOO open to intepretation
--> great: open to intepretion, so own what you saw, how you feel/emotionally connected with the right audience / Time, travel is luxury / open up curiousity about what is it about / keep it in pocket / less conventional