Tuesday 8 May 2007


yes, I think men should have the option of luxury (AND LET'S ASSUME, GOLD AND DIAMOND FOR NOW) on the neckline but SO, NOW, THE QUESTINO IS: why men just don't wear as many necklace as women do??

It's because alot of men as said before, don't like to e related to those they don't feel belong to, and not to mention they despise at.

most men these days who wear necklace are: ganster/hiphoper/gays

so the logic is e.g. a banker, in general, would never like to wear a diamond necklace because they feel like it's hiphop, blink blink and while they are professional, educated and the elite.

so to find out, I asked over 20 male professionals on such, and the answer is yes, no diamond necklace please!

diamonds for men: ghetto, gay, femanine (as women love and wear them alot)
women, they love it, flaunt it

so is it true that men really don't like necklaces?